When you join Sandeepani you become a part of the CoreEL family!
Our 4 key principles- Customer Focus, Creativity, Competence and Commitment ensure the pursuit of excellence at CoreEL. We promote an open culture and encourage our team to learn and grow in every stage. We strive to provide a sense of community and stimulating work environment that helps achieve Quality and Innovation in our journey of continuous improvement. We have always been considered as out-of-box thinkers by our industry and are always on a look-out for such people to join us.
Mail your CV to careers@coreel.com for unique opportunities at CoreEL
Contact us: (For Students)
+91-6366896798(For Corporates)
Email us : training@coreel.com
Admission Office:
(080) 4197 0445
Front Office:
(080) 4197 0400